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    Partner Colors, Unique Title, Support Button, appear on Profiles of other Gamers, Leaderboards, bigger Media Gallery, Profile Background, reward your fans with exclusive Supporter Badges & Icons, exclusive Supporter-only Feed Posts, Merch & Partner Links, P.O. Box on your Profile, and much more.
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Apply as GamerProfiles Partner
It’s simple and free. Just fill out the form so we can verify you.
Fluffy [Bot]: A number of factors are considered before granting a GamerProfiles Partner verification, such as whether your account is authentic, complete, and active. Keep in mind, we don't consider the number of followers or likes on other platforms as a requirement when granting a verification.
These are the main Account Requirements we consider for Verification:
Authentic: Your account represents a real person, business, or entity. Only one verification is possible per business or person (except for language-specific accounts).
Complete: Your profile is fully completed and contains meaningful information (Profile Value = High, all your Games added to your Games Library with useful Gamer Info, etc.).
Active: You are dedicated and passionate about what you do. Gain 50+ Followers on GamerProfiles. Invite at least 5 new and active Users to GamerProfiles using your Personal Invite Link. And most importantly, you need to be an active and valuable member of the GamerProfiles community, creating interesting and engaging content for others.
😃 Good Example: Making Posts containing Original Content, e.g. news, gaming moments, updates, stories, photos, videos, screenshots, polls, discussions, etc.
☹️ Bad Example: Making Posts without Original Content, e.g. only pasting ads or links to your other accounts.
The rule here is to use common sense. Would people truly appreciate the content you post? Can fans expect you to still be around in a year if they support you? The verification is based on a holistic assessment of an account and thus highly individual in every single case.
It's also important that users adhere to the GamerProfiles Rules and Terms of Service in order to ensure that GamerProfiles remains a safe, fun platform for everyone, and verified accounts are no exception to that. Being a verified partner does not imply an endorsement by GamerProfiles and we reserve the right to deny or revoke verification to accounts (e.g. due to artificial or inauthentic activity or bad behavior).
Due to the amount of received applications, you will only receive a final answer if the application resulted in an accepted GamerProfiles Partnership. Applications are checked regularly and are processed as quickly as possible. Beep boop.